leadership development

Discover and Use your Personal Strengths and Valuable Skills to Create your Life

How are you using knowledge of your strengths and skills to create your future? Create your life and career path from your strengths and high level skills. I find a personal strengths or “valuable skills” focus to be particularly valuable in life if we can build upon and use them in conjunction with our passionate …

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Passionate Interests: Don’t Just Follow – Unearth and Integrate

Now, let’s zoom in your passionate interests. What lights your fire? What do you love doing? What do you really, truly care about? What are you passionately interested in? Close your eyes, and identify at least five passionate interests. Go for ten. Better yet, write down 20. Don’t judge yourself here. If you were to …

Passionate Interests: Don’t Just Follow – Unearth and Integrate Read More »

Dive Deep then Step Back: Tell the Story of Your Life to Understand it

To create your own unique path in life, you must first take a look at the larger story of your life. Zoom out on those experiences you’ve had already in order to make meaning, understand, and move forward with your path. It is important to view the key themes of your life, where you’ve been, …

Dive Deep then Step Back: Tell the Story of Your Life to Understand it Read More »

Flipping The Leadership Program

Influenced by Khan Academy’s “Flipping the Classroom” model, we are designing, building and facilitating new innovation focused leadership development programs for students at Dartmouth’s Rockefeller Center and for faculty & staff at the University of Wisconsin. These new programs are rooted in what has worked well for learning and leadership development: real challenge & project based activities, …

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Leadership Educator & Teacher Professional Development: Developing Quality Student Leadership Programs: Research-Based Practices

What makes an effective student leadership program? Find out what the research says! Student leadership programs are proliferating at colleges and universities. Some are campus-wide; some are specific to departments like residence life and student affairs. Large or small, for every program there’s likely a faculty or administrative mentor wondering: How well is this working? …

Leadership Educator & Teacher Professional Development: Developing Quality Student Leadership Programs: Research-Based Practices Read More »

Leadership Educator Workshop Training: Student Leadership Retreats: Research-Based Best Practices

Darin Eich, Ph.D., who first identified the attributes of successful student leadership programs in his Ph.D. research, and now helps campuses develop their leadership programs, had specific recommendations for those who are looking for ways to improve their retreats. He believes that students learn best by doing-not by hearing or seeing, but by creating and …

Leadership Educator Workshop Training: Student Leadership Retreats: Research-Based Best Practices Read More »

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