
Innovation and Creativity Articles and Videos on Facebook and Twitter

Be sure to connect with me on Facebook and Twitter where I share excellent innovation and creativity articles and videos. I’m always reading articles from great sources like FastCompany and Harvard Business Review. I’m also scouring YouTube and TedTalks for engaging videos on topics of innovation, creativity, and leadership. When I find an article or …

Innovation and Creativity Articles and Videos on Facebook and Twitter Read More »

How to Communicate to Innovate: Networking to Individuals, Presenting to Groups, and Online to the World

Here is a new workshop zeroing in on what is important to managers, leaders, and change agents: Saving time, being clear & memorable, gaining buy-in, and reducing chance of failure by communicating for innovation. How to Communicate to Innovate: Networking to Individuals, Presenting to Groups, and Online to the World + Gain tools and techniques …

How to Communicate to Innovate: Networking to Individuals, Presenting to Groups, and Online to the World Read More »

Developing Innovation through Collaboration, Creativity, & Communication Workshop Program

The Three C’s of Collaboration, Creativity, and Communication can help you to develop new innovations that can contribute to doing meaningful new things, improving processes for problem-solving, and having greater success in your work. You will meet new people and work with others to systematically generate and develop new ideas for the challenge of your …

Developing Innovation through Collaboration, Creativity, & Communication Workshop Program Read More »

Kauffman Foundation program could help innovate learning and education at a grand scale

This press release speaks to an innovation in improving education at the national level. Foundation sponsored programs like this that provide training, knowledge, network, resources, and some founder salary could encourage new innovations to improve education. New Kauffman Foundation program launches search for passionate, aspiring founders of high-growth, scalable education enterprises (KANSAS CITY, Mo.) July …

Kauffman Foundation program could help innovate learning and education at a grand scale Read More »

Innovate how you communicate text: Design a visual collection of words

How we communicate our ideas and concepts is an important opportunity for us to innovate. We want people to be engaged with and remember what we are communicating to them. We want to engage their mind. Typically we all have a series of words or text that describes our idea or concept that we want …

Innovate how you communicate text: Design a visual collection of words Read More »

Learning the Important Adaptive Leadership Skills: Education for Innovation & Creativity

It seems like the perfect storm has been approaching in regards to creativity & innovation education. Two major articles have hit the news. The first is a Fast Company article about an IBM study that identified creativity as the most important leadership skill for the future, a skill we need to cultivate in a wide …

Learning the Important Adaptive Leadership Skills: Education for Innovation & Creativity Read More »

How to Stimulate Innovative Thinking in your Organization to Sustain your Innovation Pipeline for Growth

Authored by Darin J. Eich, Ph.D. If growth is a top priority, innovative thinking skills should be encouraged and developed at all levels of an organization. Sure, there should be a great emphasis on external or open innovation and many of innovative ideas can come from your customers or other subject matter experts. Nonetheless, it …

How to Stimulate Innovative Thinking in your Organization to Sustain your Innovation Pipeline for Growth Read More »

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