Identifying Meaningful Life Experiences that Give You Insight into Who You Are at Your Best

Creating your path is all about experiences. Experiences help us to understand ourselves and learn. We create our path for the journey ahead by experiencing. We can take a look back at the path we’ve already traveled and see that it is paved by experiences. An important step on the journey to create your path is to list those key experiences that have most affected your life so far. These could be projects, jobs, classes, relationships, victories, defeats, decisions, awards, serendipitous events, or anything.

My Most Meaningful Life ExperiencesIn this activity, I would like you to reflect and identify at least ten key experiences you’ve had. These can be academic, professional or personal. They can be as small as individual moments in time or as big as entire courses. The key is that they had an impact on your learning and development – they were meaningful and memorable moments. These experiences have given you insight into who you are, they have helped you to learn and develop, or they have given you direction on your path.

Try to think about and list at least ten key experiences in your journal. If you come up with more, list them, too! These experiences will help us recognize the types of experiences we value and learn from most. Remember to unleash the power of your experiences by reflecting on them and making meaning. It is not enough to just list, though. Dive deeper into them!

What life experiences stood out to you? Why did they come into your mind? Why did you select them for this activity? What was it about those experiences? If we can understand what makes a key life experience we can be better at creating more of them in the future!

This article is taken from the online video-based program Create Your Path. Sign up for a free sample workshop from the program here, see details on the full program at, and see other programs, speeches, and more at

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