Mobile Learning Machine

Learning is certainly a significant part of innovating yourself. We learn in many different ways and from many different sources. I’ve valued finding new ways to integrate learning into my life during the moments of “space.” For instance, I had significant “space” in my life driving 30 minutes to work each day for a 3 year stint. I filled this space with some learning. I checked out numerous audio books from the library each week and would listen to the tapes or cds while driving. In fact, I devoured a few Wisconsin libraries of their audio personal development, business, and biography sections. I’d devour one library and move on to the next. It was exciting to discover new libraries with large audio book sections. During this 3 year period of my life I probably listened to about 150 books, and all within driving “space.” So if you drive you can certainly turn your car into a mobile learning machine and innovate yourself. Currently, I don’t drive very much but have discovered a new innovative solution to get some of the same material on demand and just like the library, for free.

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