Innovating the Keynote Speech: A New Experimental Higher Impact Approach

A Different Kind of Keynote Speech

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin

I’m experimenting with innovating the way opening or keynote speeches happen at events to have a higher impact on the attendees. I want to involve them, help them build relationships and accomplish something meaningful to them within 50 minutes. I’ve developed a new kind of keynote speech for that purpose. As a speaker, my role is more facilitator who facilitates activities instead of just lecturing. It is an innovative experience for the audience that they get to co-create.

Visit my speeches and workshops page to see the different types of creative keynote speeches that get the audience speaking, communicating, engaging, and collaborating. This improvisational style can be much more effective because it is about the people in the audience taking action…not passively sitting and listening. The members of the audience actually connect and create and it leads to a more productive conference or program.

This is a clip from a student leadership conference at a university. This style can be even more effective with professionals. Interested in innovation, leadership development, and learning? Subscribe to my newsletter:

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