
Discover and Use your Personal Strengths and Valuable Skills to Create your Life

How are you using knowledge of your strengths and skills to create your future? Create your life and career path from your strengths and high level skills. I find a personal strengths or “valuable skills” focus to be particularly valuable in life if we can build upon and use them in conjunction with our passionate …

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Zoom in, Focus, and Deconstruct Yourself to Utilize your Positive Attributes

To Create Your Path, we want to help you identify your passionate interests (what energizes you), as well as your strengths (those things you are good at). We do a lot of zooming out and zooming in, looking through different lenses to focus on your life. First, we see the pieces, then the whole. The …

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Survey says: The 4 most critical skills to develop due to the rapid pace of change

The American Management Association (AMA) surveyed 2,115 managers about the most important skills needed in our organizations. It is not the 3Cs but now a different set of 4Cs: Critical thinking/problem solving, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity/innovation skills. Why are these 4Cs skills the critical skills? According to the survey of 2,115 managers, 91% rated the pace …

Survey says: The 4 most critical skills to develop due to the rapid pace of change Read More »

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