Content Anchored in Modeled Leadership Values

Content Anchored in Modeled Leadership Values

Practitioners identified the importance of explicit program values and rooting those values in non-neutral grounds. All of the programs in this study were clear about encouraging students to use their leadership for socially just and ethical purposes and to think clearly about the choices one makes. Though students were encouraged to think for themselves, programs explicitly stated the values and social importance of leadership for the common good.

Actions. The research delineated three actions which animate the attribute of content anchored in modeled leadership values. First, program content is developed and offered based on previously established desired leadership development outcomes for the students. Second, programs explicitly state the mission and values of the program and model the values through the curriculum and participant action. Third, programs develop content that infuses student leadership and college student specific issues to make the curriculum real and have utility for the individual student.

Effects on students. Content anchored in modeled leadership values has three corresponding effects on students. First, students turn the magnifying glass inwards to acquire a greater social awareness through servant leadership with a social change focus of how their leadership can be focused on helping others. Second, students acquire a language of leadership and gain an understanding and integration of leadership models in their life through clearer leadership thinking and desired leadership ends and means. Third, students formulate their own values and model program values to be leaders of integrity with credibility cognizant of the social importance of leadership and service.

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