The International Leadership Association Conference is in Los Angeles this year in November. It is a big conference and one I’ve enjoyed attending. Consider it and joining ILA if you are interested in leadership education. Here is the announcement from ILA:
Global Leadership: Portraits of the Past, Visions for the Future
November 12-15, 2008
Los Angeles, CA, USA (Hyatt Regency Century Plaza)
is now available at our new online registration site:
Conference highlights include:
Keynotes by Christine Loh, Jay Conger, and Connie Rice.
Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremonies for Manfred Kets de Vries, James
MacGregor Burns, Warren Bennis, and Frances Hesselbein. Ceremonies include
remarks from each recipient.
100+ simultaneous sessions plus a special session of roundtable and a
special poster session.
Author book signing and reception, Connecting for Change event (co-sponsored
by the Dalai Lama Center) and the Global Mindset Inventory (with Mansour
Javidan, Thunderbird School of Global Management).
Complete conference details including draft session agenda, are available