Our group facilitation online training sample is below. Email Darin@DarinEich.com with questions, or to bring this programs to your organization. You can start our facilitator tools training or group facilitation training online today.
Welcome to the Group Facilitation Mini Workshop Program! Here is the first of four video workshops for you to do! All videos, handouts, and PDFs are included in the official program. Ideally, these videos will help reinforce what you learned and did during a live workshop experience.
This is a collaborative process designed to facilitate you through the process of becoming a better group facilitator using tools, tips, and techniques based on tested theories. Proceed video by video, and engage others to collaborate with you on your own facilitation challenge. You can share or discuss each activity you do in a small group or in pairs. Even 3-minute conversations or quick, tweet-style sharing with a group can make a big difference.
Facilitating Groups Workshop 1: Theories of Learning and Engagement for Group Facilitation

Objective: In this workshop, you will learn tips, tools, techniques, and theories for effective group facilitation.
Activity – You will:
- Understand the different components of facilitation.
- Understand the dynamic of group sizes.
- Understand the importance of the physical environment for facilitation
Product – You will create and develop:
- A toolbox to help you facilitate.
Outcome – You will learn how to:
- Apply the Cone of Learning to group facilitation.
- Use multiple tools for effective facilitation.
- Appreciate that people learn differently and how to engage them at different levels.
- Use the Experiential Learning Cycles to guide participants to reflect.
Overview of other program modules
Facilitating Groups Workshop 2: The Group Facilitation Experience
Objective: In this workshop, you will learn how to get people talking and get them more engaged.
Activity – You will:
- Understand verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal communication.
- Understand the importance of including activities.
- Reflect on some of the best group activities you have had.
Product – You will create and develop:
- Qualities of good group facilitation you have seen in the past.
- A vision for your group.
Outcome – You will learn how to:
- Use verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal skills to better communicate with your group.
- The importance of including activities for learning.
- Foster group relationships while accomplishing a task.
Facilitating Groups Workshop 3: Group Facilitation Tools and Activities
Objective: In this workshop, you will learn how to use tools and activities to build cohesion in your group.
Activity – You will:
- Understand how different facilitation tools will keep your participants engaged.
Product – You will create and develop:
- A toolkit of activities to create an engaging environment.
Outcome – You will learn how to:
- Use “reverse polling” to get people into action and to assess the group’s comfort level.
- Use various specific activities and tools at different points in your facilitation to create an interactive session.
Facilitating Groups Workshop 3: Facilitation Design
Objective: In this workshop, you will learn how to design a facilitation session by infusing different learning activities.
Activity – You will:
- Give a sample facilitation session.
Product – You will create and develop:
- A toolkit of closing methods.
- A 15-minute facilitation session.
Outcome – You will learn how to:
- Use objects to optimize the group experience.
- Create effective closing methods.
- Design and give a facilitation session.
Ready to start? You can begin our facilitator tools training or group facilitation training online today.
Email Darin@DarinEich.com with questions, or to bring this program to your organization.
Let’s network and sustain the innovation! Connect with Darin on social media for regular tips.
Facilitating Groups is also available as a live program. Email Darin@DarinEich.com to bring the live version of this program to your group.